Looking for FLINTA* person for workshop in Berlin
Dear community,
we - Gefährliche Arbeit, the FLINTA* network for light-, video-, sound designers and more - want to kick-off the network (and our new soon-to-be website) with one week of workshops, meetings and tutorials. We are mostly working in Germany in performance theatre.
For our workshops we are looking for a person who could/would give a small workshop about live camera and/or video-performer interaction.
The workshop would be happening between the 22nd - 28th of August 2021.
We are a small but growing, eager to learn network of mostly autodidact freelancers, all FLINTA* with a bit of an agenda. For more info see www.gefaehrlichearbeit.de (it's beta - not yet the new website I'm afraid) or meet us in our private FB group Gefährliche Arbeit.
We would love to find some likeminded, Isadora- fond video FLINTA* people to connect and also expand our network!
Where is the workshop?
If it's in Berlin, I'm here, nonbinary, and happy to give workshops on those subjects.