[ANSWERED] Formatting numbers with leading zero's
I am hoping to get some advice about formatting numbers to accommodate padding with leading zero's. Currently I am using a Counter, Calculator and Text Chopper to arrive at numbers with leading zero's that can be added incrementally to name captured image files using a Text Formatter and Capture Stage to Picture module.
The convention appears to work well until the increment reaches '010' or '020' where I then lose a zero and get '01' or '02' instead. The issue is then that the files become out of sequence when rebuilding the media bin. The following screen grab illustrates how I am appending the leading zero's to the file name when capturing each image and the one after demonstrates the out of sequence files that represent frame '010' and '020' in the naming convention...
Finder representation of the captured image files from Isadora...
Best Wishes
Z4 for 4 digits Z3 for 3 digits …
Thanks that looks good and simple! And reminds me to refer to the parsing specification more often
Best wishes