[ANSWERED] Matrix Value Receive: Output to DMX and Route Values Back Inside Isadora
Is there a way to rewrite the hexadecimal sentence from the Matrix Value Receive (Artnet configuration) to decimal?
Can you please provide more details? I work with this art-net pretty regularly and I am not sure what you are looking for here.
I made a patch where data go to the matrix value send from different way (midi, touchosc, data array) and I want to reuse those data. So instead of tracing multiple line from all those actors, I'm wondering if I can refragment the data from the matrix value send.
Maybe with a second Matrix, because the actual send the data to an Enttec node.
(Basically, I made a light board for a puppet show, using the data array for the intensity of the cues and an APC20 to control the patch)
yes, you can use two Matrix Value Receive actors, both will get your values, and the new (second one) doesn't need to convert your values to hex.
The default values for the Matrix Value Receive don't convert to hex, you could set a separator to create a string made of numbers and separators.. perhaps like this 1-2-3-4-5-6 etc..
Then you could parse this. I would recommend using the Javascript actor for this task, and perhaps formatting the string into JSON so you could pick and choose values from it using the downloadable plugin, JSON Parser.That solution could be very powerful/flexible.
@rodolphe-s said:
I'm a dummy in javascript, but I will dig into that.
If you post the String you create with the Matrix actors, I (or another user) will be happy to whip up some parsing code for you
Got it!function main()
var input = arguments[0];
var values = input.split(',')
return values;
}So I configure the matrix to have a ',' separator between each value (integer, 3 digits), output the string in a trigger text actor then to the javascript actor with this code. Work perfectly for me.
Thanks you.