[ANSWERED] How to make Wii on Win machine
Hello all,
I am looking to connect Wii to Win maschine for a sensor. I used to have MAc and done it via OSCulator, please anybody can help me out how to do it on Win machine.
@CitizenJoe Maybe, do you have some idea, please?
Thanks in advance.
@em_tx I had a way to do it over 10 years ago. I've forgotten how, but I'll see if I can dig something up!
Thanks a lot. It will be greatly appreciated. I would be happy to use that sensor as it makes a wonderful visual scape.
Practically, I need something small and easy to use with accelometers and some network connectivity - data into Isadora. Essentially something easy.
Is Wii on Win machine really totally dead?
Sorry, I can't find any useful info. I found the patch, but it only indicates that we used OSC to get the info into Isadora. Don't know where my notes are....
It was 12 or 13 years ago, after all!
I know I sent this to you in the support ticket you opened on this subject, but I wanted to post it here too in case anyone has the same question in the future (since the information could be helpful to them).
I've never used a Wii Remote on Windows before, but Googling "Windows Wii Remote" turned up this article which suggested a program called GlovePIE and another called WiinRemote.
Another option is to include a Mac computer as part of the show build, the only purpose of which is to run OSCulator to get the data from the Wiimote, then use Net Broadcasters in Isadora on the Mac to broadcast that data from the Mac computer's instance of Isadora to the Windows computer's instance of Isadora over a local area network. (I suggest a wired connection with ethernet cables from both computers to an ethernet switch or router for this; WiFi is less reliable and slower.)
Best wishes,
GlovePIE and WiinRemote - that's it!!
GlovePIE was always the application that I used to interface with Wii remotes.
You can find the documentation of GlovePIE here.
All the versions of GlovePIE have been archived by someone on GitHub (a code hosting website)
If you need any further assist feel free to reply. I sadly don't have a Wii remote lying around anymore..