[ANSWERED] Live camera Azure and Kinect
Hi there,
I just borrowed an Azure Kinect DK, and it can both work as a live camera and a depth camera. I can only see an earlier post from 2017 - and I am now wondering - does Isadora support this? Meaning both the Kinect part and the live feed? I can see the device in the live input settings but I dont see any live feed comming in. do I need a driver, or is it something else?
Does the Azure now work with Isadora? Either the depth camera, or the 4K or both? And could anyone advice me how this works?
Thank youEva
I am sure the depths camera part will not work with Isadora. We would need to create a special actor for this functionality.
The color camera part may be possible to work, but has not been tested. No one on our team has an Azure camera at this time. -
Ok, thank you:) Then I will look for an extra external live camera... And use my older Kinect.