[ANSWERED] Isadora and zigbee devices
Hi Isadornians,
I'm currently thinking about some kind of performance where I would like to use some smart devices into scene. Actually I found some Zigbee devices that can be usefull ( motion sensors, door opening sensors, smart relay and so on ) but I want to coordinate em with more traditional stuff (DMX and MIDI devices) and Isadora can be the hub where all comunicate each other.
some questions:
1 someone have did it before?
2 if not some one have some ideas how let Isadora comunicate with zigbee? ( Node-red? )
thanks in advance for any clue can help me to point into a correct direction.
Zigbee uses some radio communication, other than wifi or Bluetooth, so generally, only Zigbee devices are configured to receive these communications.
You can connect Zigbee receivers to an Arduino microcontroller, and use the Arduino as the interface to Zigbee. This would allow you to communicate via Zigbee in a range of ways. For example, if Zigbee sensors are sending data to an Arduino connected via serial port to Isadora, the Arduino can be running a loop checking for incoming values, and then passing them to Isadora when received.
@dusx Thanks Dusx,
I am also interesed in Zigbee especially because it can go both ways. No only sending sensor data values into izzy via Arduino. But especially because a zigbee radio device cans receive wiressly form isadora. Any idea how we could achieve this ?
@armando said:
Any idea how we could achieve this ?
Again, this would be easily accomplished using an Arduino in the same way as receiving values, you add to the loop conditions to watch for messages from Isadora, which trigger function calls.
Of course, its hard to be very specific here without out the specific hardware and use case. One option I would find interesting is to use an Arduino with wifi built-in and send values to and from as DMX (via Artnet).
Some update @Armando and who is interested.
I found a pretty good solution using a Raspberry in addition to a Zigbee USB dongle . On raspberry I've installed Home Assistant S.O. that can manage a lot of integration modules. One of them is node-red. Node red ( that is a node based programming tool ) can handle OSC messages ( you have to install aditional nodes ) and through OSC Izzy can comunicate with zigbee devices like turning on conventional lights on stage, reciving data from a motion sensor and so on. So what you need is just a ethernet connetion between raspberry ( that is near the stage due the short range of zigbee waves ) and the computer where Isadora runs.
actually I'm not still able to do all works beacause my skills about node-red are near zero, but i'm going to study
Thanks @dusx @Maximortal