[ANSWERED] Shapes / Mask / Assets Feathering in Izzy
Wondering if there is a plug in or actor I can use to feather my shapes, masks or pict / vids.
Thank you
Currently, the best way is to create your mask (via shapes or Izzymap) and apply a Gaussian Blur to it.
In the case of using IzzyMap (the most powerful option), I generally send a white background image into IzzyMap.. create my masking with the composite tools.
Send the output of the projector to a Virtual Stage, and then use the Get Stage Image to grab the Virtual Stage image and apply a blur before using it to mask some video.
This approach allows you to use IzzyMap to draw your mask, which is great! and also allows you to then projection map the masked image as needed later in the final projector that sends the image to a Stage. -
@dusx Thank you so much. This is helpful! Cheers!