The Zero Hour @ Edinburgh Fringe
Hello all,
if anyone is in Edinburgh next week you're very much invited to see our current show The Zero Hour which is at the EICC, venue 150\. It's powered by Isadora with a bit of help from an ATEM box. If anyone from the community is coming along and wants to know more about the tech side of the show, or just wants to say hello, then let me know on here and we'll sort something out.You can find out more about the [show and the company here]( and find us on [Facebook as well.]( see a few of you there,Croftyimitating the dog -
ADMIN: Edited your URLs as they were not working
@Skulpture Thank you!
No problem. I loved working at the Fringe a few years back. Got hardly any sleep but it was ace! I can't make it this year but enjoy! Please bring back lots of pics and video... I would love to feature it on my blog also if you allow me. A 'how you've used Isadora' video would be amazing.
Cheers,Graham -
Absolutely, I'll try to do some documenting of the tech where I can.In many ways it's quite simple, there's a big BP screen with backdrops on it. In front of that there's a bunch of actors and 2 camera men, in front of them is hard masking that covers the whole stage with windows that open to reveal the scenes behind. Projected on the mask in front is the 'finished' live film that the camera guys are shooting. Isadora drives the backdrops and sends green chroma shapes to an blackmagic ATEM that takes care of the live camera work using the chroma key as a mask. It also deals with subtitles (the show is in English, Russian, German and Mandarin) and triggers qlab which runs most of the audio.It'd be great to go up on your blog, an honour, so I'll see what I can come up with in terms of video/images.The show is a great example of 'I wish I knew when I started what I know now.' It was a good year in the making and has now been on the road for 9 months so we're a whole lot wiser now than when we first programmed it, but then I guess that's always the case!