Rokoko Studio Beta - Isadora Data Streaming
Currently I am working with an artist in the UK and we each purchased Rokoko Smartsuit Pro a couple of years ago in order to use the Rokoko Studio software to send mocap data to Isadora, and we've discovered that the new version of their software (Rokoko Studio Beta) doesn't yet have the option under "Livestream" to send data to Isadora. (Though using their Rokoko Studio Legacy software is still a stable and viable option for this.)
I'd like to encourage anyone in our community who has used or wants to use Rokoko products for sending mocap data to Isadora to:
- Periodically check the Rokoko Product Roadmap to see if they've added an item for Isadora 3 integration with Rokoko Studio Beta (and upvote it if it's there)
- Send in a feature request to Rokoko politely asking them to add the option under "Livestream" to send data to Isadora frin their Rokoko Studio Beta software (as you could in their Rokoko Studio Legacy software).
- Join the Rokoko Discord and, in the "-feature-request" channel, respectfully ask for the option under "Livestream" to send data to Isadora from their Rokoko Studio Beta software.
Please understand that I am not encouraging anyone to be angry with or to go annoy Rokoko about this, I simply want to make sure that Rokoko knows that members of our community would like the ability to use their mocap products with Isadora again. Ask @mark always says, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."
If you're unfamiliar with Rokoko's mocap hardware and software, you may want to check out Mark's Guru session on how to use the Rokoko Smartsuit Pro to send live motion capture data from a performer to Isadora and use that data to do many interesting things.
Other existing (free!) resources concerning using mocap/motion capture, body/skeleton tracking, motion tracking, sensor/controller/OSC/MIDI data, and/or 3D workflows with Isadora include:
Resources available for download on the TroikaTronix Add-Ons Page:
- TroikaTronix's Rokoko Studio Live Watcher actor plugin for Isadora 3
- TroikaTronix's OpenNI Tracker actor plugin and OpenNI Tracker Tutorial File for Isadora 3
- @bonemap's OpenNI Line Puppet User Actor for Isadora 3
- TroikaTronix's Basic Motion Tracking Tutorial File for Isadora 3
- @jfg's Visualization Blob Target User Actor for Isadora 3
- @jfg's Visualization Tracking Zone User Actor for Isadora 3
- TroikaTronix's 3D Game Style Navigation Tutorial File for Isadora 3
- TroikaTronix's Arduino Firmata actor plugin for Isadora 3
- TroikaTronix's Leap Motion Watcher actor plugin for Isadora 3
- My Wii Remote User Actor for Isadora 3 on macOS using OSCulator
- My Audio Trigger User Actor for triggering sound files using MIDI notes/control change and OSC in Isadora 3
- My Mouse Control of 3D Particles Example File for Isadora 3
- My Simple MIDI Example File for Isadora 3
- @DusX's Korg NanoKONTROL2 User Actor and @Juriaan's IzzyKorg User Actor for using this handy Korg MIDI controller with Isadora 3
Resources available to watch on the TroikaTronix Youtube Channel (these usually also have a downloadable example file linked in the video description):
- Mark's Guru Session: Body Tracking with Depth Cameras
- Mark's Guru Session: Motion Tracking with Eyes++
- Mark's Guru Session: Dance-Tech Archaeology
- Mark's Guru Session: MIDI Madness
- Mark's Guru Session: Real-Time Interaction with Open Sound Control (OSC)
- Mark's Guru Session: Generating Visuals with the 3D Ropes Actor
- Mark's Guru Session: Real-Time 3D Visuals in Isadora
- The second section of this Guru Session which covers Basic (3D) Particle Systems
Done! Thanks for the heads up about Rokoko's idea input area. John T
Kinda related: The left foot sensor on my Smartsuit stopped working and it looks like I need to get a repair kit to replace it. Anyone had any experience with that?
Done !
@emullis said:
Kinda related: The left foot sensor on my Smartsuit stopped working and it looks like I need to get a repair kit to replace it. Anyone had any experience with that?
I'm working with an artist in the UK and his suit had a sensor die. I can't remember exactly what happened, but I do know that he contacted Rokoko support about it and they're helping him.
An update:
I received this from Luke Cresante (Sr. Product Specialist at Rokoko) about adding Isadora to the live streaming options in the new version of Rokoko Studio:
Hi There,Thank you a ton for being a customer and sharing your feedback on Isadora!
We are currently working with their team to adjust the plugin to fit our new data model. Unfortunately, we do not have a timeline on this.
-------------Can anyone confirm this? Based on what's on their website, the Legacy version of Rokoko Studio will be phased out in August of this year. Oof!
They've essentially said the same thing to me. Hopefully if they hear from enough of us they'll add the feature back in.
Well, according to them we should update our Plugin to their new data model.
@emullis said:
Are there plans to update the Rokoko Studio Live Watcher?
As I said in reply to your other post:
Given that my partner will be using the Rokoko for a project starting in mid-March, you can rest assured there will be a solution by then.
It's just a bit complicated because they don't give you the points in the way they used to. I've got some math to figure out.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
Oh my goodness, I'll be able to sleep tonight. I received a grant to buy two new suits and got very worried that I wouldn't be able to stream to Izzy come August. Thank you so much for working on it, and I hope your partner's project goes great.
@emullis said:
I hope your partner's project goes great.
Well, if it doesn't, I'll be in the dog house.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
@mark Hi. I am new to this but catching up. Watched all the tutes and guru sessions - Tried to use the latest patch between isadora 3 and Rokoko studio but cannot get them to talk. Is there anyway to get the two connected? Des
@mark further to this...i have downloaded the latest patch for Rokoko from Troikatronixs plugins ins. followed all instryuctions. Both port numbers match and i have 'X' in the received pkt...but no data in the Skeleton Decoder....not sure from here...
@decca. Hello,
what Isadora version you have ? Mac or pc? The is nothing on your signature to understand. I ask you this because it happens to me on the 327 b 20 on a mac un der Ventura if I don't put my Rokoko gloves on. I have a production this week so I can't be more specific but this has happened. And also the network part can be tricky if you have other devices to which you send data to fixed ip adresses.
More on that soon
@armando ok thanks.
As an update. I am using Windows 10. I have managed to get data across to Isadora using Rokoko Studio Legacy but not the current Rokoko Studio. So I know the link is working and network is open and not interfered by other software etc.As a last resort I would use R Legacy but I am having difficulty linking in the suit to Legacy (no problems in the current R Studio version). I have tested the Live Link between Rokoko Legacy and Isadora using prerecorded MC clips. I have installed the latest patch from the Isadora ( March 2023).I am using a Smartsuit Pro 2 with gloves.
I sent an email to Rokoko but a bit overwhelmed with their response and what that means - see below"I understood that the LZ4 data is sent as a frame, which requires a "decompression context" in coordination with the function LZ4F_decompress(ctx, dstBuffer, dstBufferLen, srcBuffer, srcBufferLen, &decompressionOptions)."
They are following up they say.
You need the beta version of the Rokoko Studio Live Watcher in order to work with the new Rokoko Studio software I believe.
Thank you for your time. I had installed the patch you mentioned. v1.0.1
What I found was the problem to be was - in the Isadora Plugins Folder, under the properties for the RokokoStudio Live Watcher, Skelton Decoder etc, the various .dll and .qtr files, their Attributes had been blocked by Windows 10 because "it was downloaded from another computer". I checked on the unblock option and hit apply and - magic - they are talking to each other.
Big thanks Isadora Community.
As an aside Rokoko tech support advised to use Json in Rokoko's Livestreaming. That was wrong for me. JsonLz4 worked not Json.They also advised to avoid Mac.....??
Thanks Again