[LOGGED] Image and shape anchor points
Shapes anchor points.
I am guessing I am missing something, but is there a way to change the shapes anchor points?
Currently if I increase the vertical size of a rectangle it grows from the top and bottom simultaneuosly. I would like to choose an anchor point and keep the base fixed, so I can use this to a show a level (I really dislike the control UI so want to make this design freely so I can control what it looks like). Of course this may happen for any other purpose.
To clarify is there an image anhcor point mode that I can set somewhere?
If not this is a pretty basic feature request --->
I don't think there is an anchor point for shapes. If I use shapes to show levels I set the vertical position to -50So that I can only see the top half of the shape or I use a second shape to mask the bottom half. Another way is to transform the slider control with color and picture but it is not perfect.
I agree with you that the controls are not optimal and I wish already for a long time to have a kind of VU-meter for the control panel. One way would be to get the possibility to control the thumbnail size override from the slider with a value from an actor (and the minimal value must be 0 and not 3)
This may be able to be used for what you want (even though it's not its intended purpose): https://troikatronix.com/add-ons/visualization-tracking-zone/
@fred said:
I would like to choose an anchor point and keep the base fixed,
Not directly a solution to your issue, but worth mentioning for others that might find this topic looking for image anchor points.
The 'Spinner' actor allows you to change the rotation anchor points (horz ctr, vert ctr), which can be very useful in many cases.
@woland said:
Nope, the closest I can kind of get to is to move the position as I change the size. As nothing can be specified in pixels or any real absolute screen value system this is pretty inaccurate.
Shape anchor points or origins would be simple and useful.
@fred said:
Shape anchor points or origins would be simple and useful
My apologies, I forgot to say that I logged this feature request of yours in my first response