[LOGGED] Remove unused media
Currently working on a project that has lots of media, video and images. Some of the images and videos I am not longer using.
I would love a feature that removes any unused media; so anything that is not loaded into into a picture player or movie player, etc.
This is a bit of a lazy request because obviously, I can do this manually... but with nearly 100 scenes each with media, it would take time and potentially user error.
Previous responses to similar requests from me can be summarised thus: "it may not be loaded into a picture / movie player at the moment, but how does Isadora know that you won't be using it at some other point?"
@mark_m said:
"it may not be loaded into a picture / movie player at the moment, but how does Isadora know that you won't be using it at some other point?"
Yes, that's the real danger of implementing this feature; the target of media player actors can be changed programmatically, so while we can tell what is in use, we don't actually have any reliable way of knowing what will be used. We'd much rather people have more media than they need (or manually go through and remove things they don't need) than end up finding out during a show that they didn't think ahead and removed a bunch of media they needed for the performance.
I'll add another +1 to the feature request in our documentation though.
@woland I guess it has to be a conscious decision by the user. But I think it would be very handy at the end of an R&D day or before a project is finished.
Perhaps a "Consolidate and save/back up" might fit better and it saves a copy of the 'izz' project and all 'linked' files.
@skulpture said:
Perhaps a "Consolidate and save/back up"
You bet!!
Please see my feature request from seven (!) years ago
https://community.troikatronix... -
@mark_m said:
Please see my feature request from seven (!) years ago
Yes, also one we already have logged