[SOLVED] Microsoft XBOX Controller model 1914 (bluetooth connection to Mac) causes crash?
I have sent a crash report from Isadora. My patch is using NDI, Syphon, 3d rendering of the 360 video (received by NDI in Isadora). Xbox controller controls the FOV and other parameters of the rendered view of the spherical image.
Once I connect XBOX controller and use it for a few minutes, Isadora crashes.UPD: this has nothing to do with the XBOX controller. A simple patch with the NDI In actor crashes Isadora.
Anything I should know about preventing Isadora from crashing?
@eight said:
My guess it that it's to do with this. I'll go test on my Sonoma machine. It'd be nice to test with your exact file. If you're not comfortable posting it here, please send in the file via ticket (link in my signature).
Have you submitted crash reports via BugSplat?
@woland said:
I'll go test on my Sonoma machine.
I'm running a long-term test now. I'll report back when/if I find something.
@eight said:
A simple patch with the NDI In actor crashes Isadora.
Can you leave this file running and see if it crashes for you?
I've had it running for over two hours on an M1 running macOS Sonoma.
If it crashes, there's a text file it writes to every second, so you'll have a record of how long it took to crash and when it crashed.
@woland Thanks a lot. I am running your ndi-test.izz file for about half an hour. So far, no crashes. In my original case, I was receiving the ndi stream from a windows machine running OBS studio and streaming an NDI signal via that.
@woland Another update. I got another router to maintain the network connections between the source and the sink of the NDI signal, and the Isadora crushes no more. So I solved the problem in my context, but it would be nice if Isadora was graceful about unreliable NDI signal.
Again, thanks a lot for your quick followup.
Glad you were able to figure out the problem
@eight said:
it would be nice if Isadora was graceful about unreliable NDI signal.
I'll try to repro this by making an unreliable NDI signal somehow. If I can repro the crash, then we can fix it.
Best wishes,
Did you submit any crashes via BugSplat?
If not, could you please send in a ticket so we can get crash reports from you with a tool we have?
Best wishes,
@woland I did submit the crashes yesterday using the Isadora prompt on the after crash start.
Today, I was running my setup for about 8 hours. I did have a crush, while running an NDI scene. In that scene I am receiving an ndi stream from the OBS studio running on a separate Windows computer.I can repro the crashes reliably if I link two computers above by having them connected to a hot spot on my iphone.
@eight said:
I can repro the crashes reliably if I link two computers above by having them connected to a hot spot on my iphone.
Aha! We were sitting in the tech meeting today trying to figure out "How do we create a spotty NDI connection on purpose so we can test this?". Thanks for the insight