Isadora Creative Space - Berlin
Great idea! Count me in on the 21st.
fubbi -
I changed the topic area from TroikaTronix HQ to General so that people could post here. Please try again if you couldn't post before.
Best Wishes,Mark -
Love the idea. I would come from vienna, so let me know for sure if this is going to happen.
Dear All,
Please note the following: I said the week of the 21st, i.e., sometime between Oct 21 and Oct 26\. I was sort of hoping people might have a feeling about which day of the week would be best. I was thinking Wednesday might be good, but if you have thoughts on this, let me know.Best Wishes,Mark -
Tuesday and Wednesday is not got for me. Thursday, Friday and Saturday is much better.
All the best,Alex -
That's what I was wondering about... on one hand, a Friday/Saturday night means -- potentially -- we could extend into the early hours if things were cooking along. But in Berlin, well, that's party night too.
Best Wishes,Mark -
I fly into Vienna on the 21st, and will be in Bratislava for the following 3 weeks.
Later in the week is better for me. -
Fridays ( even the name of the day suggest itself: day of freedom ) is always fine with me : kids don't go to school on saturdays ...
Looking forward to meet you guys !Benedikt -
so lets combine nerd isadora stuff and party
I am out of Berlin (on tour) second half of October also.
But I wanted to write this post, because I have a feeling, that these monthly meetings will be great,and I am looking forward to November's date.Best,Luka -
as said already I wanna join for sure, leaving for a residency on 23th, if it happens on 21st or 22nd I´m in!
sounds great. do it! unfortunately for me I am thousands of miles & dollars away
I would be in any day thursday, friday or saturday. Great idea.
Monday is the best day for me, Tuesday and Thursday arent that good. But I am defenetly interested. Please inform me. Thanks.
Nice idea!!For me Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are perfect!
Friday it's ok for me too, but I will join anyway. And it is probably better to meet once and then make the fine tuning!
Great Idea!
I ll be happy to come for the November session. -
...once a month would be great! in the week of the 21.10. -only the 21. would work for me and maybe Saturday or Sunday...
That's a great idea, I'm definitely in!
Unfortunately I'll be in Berlin from 25th, so, 26th would be perfect. But I'll be there from the next meetings!Looking forward!Best!!Mab -
flying to Berlin only on the 28th....