Face detection in izzi
@deliriodelux there is a tutorial here http://vdmx.vidvox.net/tutorials/making-face-tracking-fx-for-vdmx-with-quartz-composer on using the (face) Detector in Quartz Composer.
After building it in QC, to use the QC patch in Isadora, you would publish the inputs and outputs that you need on the Quartz Composer modules and then place the QC Composition file into the right directory (as defined in Isadora's preferences window) and then Izzy will load the QC patch as a plugin, when it boots up. -
@fred, yes i saw those false positives too, the corrections were very well hidden ! To have a MC like that helps a lot! Thx for the tips and i let you know if get lost on the way..
@primaldevine, cool thx ! , I did Qc input-output publishing before, ....well.. actually is already done. Its in the downloadable folder of from the tutorial.I let you now how it goes.Long life to the izzi forum!Ale -
There was a build called FACE OSC I had working a while ago.
I also had something working with Quartz but can't remember the name.... -
@skulpture, if you have it around or find it somewhere ,.. and don't mind sharing..Thx
Link is in the comments I believe:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB6c8exfDcs -
I think it was this one, attached b04bfd-face-capture.qtz.zip
just a little FYI... Face OSC is Mac only 10.7+
doesn't turn on the iSight of my MBP 17" 10.7.5...??
Has anyone ever got this to work?
https://wiki.colby.edu/display/CS157/Isadora+%28for+users%29I downloaded it, put it in its place but Izzy can't see it. -
@ skulpture i have the same problem. i was quite exited when i found it but it does not show up in izzy
Same - tried a few things but I think it needs updating.