Face detection in izzi
@fred, yes i saw those false positives too, the corrections were very well hidden ! To have a MC like that helps a lot! Thx for the tips and i let you know if get lost on the way..
@primaldevine, cool thx ! , I did Qc input-output publishing before, ....well.. actually is already done. Its in the downloadable folder of from the tutorial.I let you now how it goes.Long life to the izzi forum!Ale -
There was a build called FACE OSC I had working a while ago.
I also had something working with Quartz but can't remember the name.... -
@skulpture, if you have it around or find it somewhere ,.. and don't mind sharing..Thx
Link is in the comments I believe:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB6c8exfDcs -
I think it was this one, attached b04bfd-face-capture.qtz.zip
just a little FYI... Face OSC is Mac only 10.7+
doesn't turn on the iSight of my MBP 17" 10.7.5...??
Has anyone ever got this to work?
https://wiki.colby.edu/display/CS157/Isadora+%28for+users%29I downloaded it, put it in its place but Izzy can't see it. -
@ skulpture i have the same problem. i was quite exited when i found it but it does not show up in izzy
Same - tried a few things but I think it needs updating.