@woland I did this, but this behavior seems to be particular to Oculus screen cast. Window cpu mode works with other windows such as youTube.
Thanks @woland - I'm not using a suit, so going to try and rejig Mark's patch to either use a Kinect or perhaps the Zig Sim Pro mobile app which looks pretty good. I don't think the latter outputs a skeleton, just individual limb point OSC location data. I don't suppose you know of a way to package that up as a skeleton output that the decoder would recognise?
@woland, oh. cachedResultData. This is the key! I did not previously understand how to use global variables in JavaScript. It's the one ring to rule them all
OK, that's weird. I opened up Isadora today and it works fine. Get is set to Max/Min. New instances and even the one that yesterday was set to min 0 and I couldn't change it. I was connected to spin on a projector so that shouldn't have affected the min. But it seems like it was a glitch and now it is solved. So the answer seems to be shut it down, walk away, and when I restart everything is great. Thanks for your help!
Shuffle actor. Will never repeat until you reshuffle
@ril Adrian m and Clair b use software they make themselves. They had released a version of this called emotion a long time ago. I guess they continue working with their own tools.
I think you can get really close to making things like this with little or no investment. You can find or make some videos that simulate tracking camera feeds. This can be done in after effects or blender (blender is great because you can make a scene and render out a few different view posts to show different cameras. You just need to make a moving image/object/body in white on a black background. This can be tough to achieve in real circumstances when you do tracking, and that is one of the costs
You can also then arrange image planes in 3D in isadora and to simulate a real installation. This will let you go quite far, learning how to deal with tracking and make your visuals react. You can also have your outputs ready to feed to projectors.
Making this kind of simulation is very common, other software also provide a wisywig interface as default. Once you have a good simulation it is much easier to get support for a project so you can move on with production. It’s not a great idea to work with all the expensive gear from the start anyway.
Once your simulation and outputs are running you can look to replacing the fake tracking files with real camera input.
Here are some recordings I made with a Kinect to do some tracking training. Some challenges are seeing if you can properly identify bodies even when their paths cross or they pass close to each other. They are also useful for learning to make reactive content from input data.
There are versions at 2 resolutions, but the footage is from the Kinect depth map so it is 640*480. The high res is good for checking system capability if you use higher resolution cameras to get more smooth detail.
@GertjanB How's the TailAir treating you? I'm playing with one right now, and NDI into Isadora is working fantastically, but I can't seem to configure the TCP connection for control. Any tips? The documentation and desktop software is pretty sparse, and I just can't work out why I'm not sending commands. I couldn't even get it to work using their own TouchOSC example files, neither the TCP or UDP.
I'm just guessing, but I had similar issues. Mutable values (the ones with the green connectors) take the ranges from the actor values you connect them to. The same applies to the levels in user actors and their user actor in-/outputs. Upper layers in the chain keep overwriting those settings down to main level and back to the according mutable value. Sometimes I only could change the range values after disconnecting all these connected values to a certain point in the chain and reconnect them with the new range settings. Or I needed to find the actor which caused the issue.
Maybe someone have a more distinct description about this.
Hi there Frank,
Isadora 3.x allows you to do this? I just opened our latest release and I have no issue to sent a negative value of -100 for example