Matrix Color Send
Is there a way to make an option in the Matrix Color Send that makes the pixels on the canvas adjustable in size. If you work with smaller projects , a few RGB fixtures, it is almost impossible to focus what is where. In the Old Lanbox setup this was done more convenient with sizeable boxes.
I just scale my input down before mapping. Try using the scaler actor. It runs on the gps and is fast. In the end this is propably faster since the color send is likely cpu driven.
@dusx Done that, but resolution is way off then. Assign fixtures on pixel level? How on earth can I make a decent fade out with a graphic, then I have to fade 1 pixel or assign a part to that pixel. Adjustable boxes is the way to go to be flexible in a common setup.
What is it you are trying to do exactly?
If you want just a part of the video, you can grab it with 'chopper' and work with it as needed.
Anyway you stack it, if you are taking a region of X*Y pixels and mapping it to A*B LEDs (or RGB fixtures), there will be some scaling/blending.
Perhaps for your usecase the Matrix Color Send isn't the right actor. You could use Measure Color... its does almost exactly what you are asking about, you would just split the color into RGB and send the DMX out. -
@dusx Measure color takes too much CPU power. My workaround now is Syphon out to Madmapper in the background.
Want to control this baby, end of the month we host it for 4 days at the Exit festival in Serbia
So this is my personal opinion, working as a lighting artist with installations that have over 5,000 pixels+..
MadMapper / Resolume is your friend here, use Isadora to make the video art, use an dedicated program (and Syphon) to route all the stages to the correct part of your structure.. Isadora can do it, but honestly its power is video, not working with advanced settings like MadMapper / Resolume is capable of (FPS / ArtSync / etc)
@juriaan I use Madmapper for years for this, also in this configuration. It is not that many pixels, it is only 2300 channels, Isadora can do this easy, as long as you can map it right.
Oh I agree, Isadora can do it easily, but I rather do the mapping in a program that can do it right.. And Isadora just doesn't has the right tools for it at the moment, so perhaps it is our task to create the plugins and the actors for it to make it happen. To be continued
Looking at the 360 cyclone, it appears to be something like 64x20 (plus or minus a few... I just did a quick count based on the image) rgb pixels... its not very high resolution.
I would personally generate my content at the same pixel size/ratio (maybe a multiple larger) and then map it out 1:1 (scaled down if needed).
Juriaan is probably right that once your working with large arrays of pixels that a dedicated pixel mapping software is likely the best route, but that unit looks totally manageable from Isadora to me. -
I run the unit now in Isadora with Madmapper. I am just playing with the scaler. I would already be very helpful if the Size also had an option for spacing. Now the repetitions only got that option. If you add spacing for the pixels as well, you can manage that 48 by 16 very good. Since I make a sort of step sequencer (yes within Izzy mapper!) I like to give all the positions enough room to see the right color and intensity.