[ANSWERED] Multiple remote Users+Broadcasting
HI all !
Perhaps this has already been discussed ... but I will consult you again. I have 4 Isadora remote patches (stage outputs) that must be mixed and transmitted. What would be the best approach to achieve it?
thanks a lot
Maxi -
@ril What kind of latency are you dealing with? Can you bump them out to SRT, or would that be too slow?
Hi @liminal_andy ! not sure about latency...Can you explain a little more about SRT ? What is it about ?
Thanks a lot
@ril SRT stands for Secure Reliable Transport and is a live data transmission protocol used often for moving video data over WAN without a loss of visual fidelity. It's created by Haivision and is supported in apps like OBS.
If you can risk WebRTC, you could have your stages go into OBS Ninja, then export them from your local OBS with the NDI filter and bring them into Isadora.
@liminal_andy I see... what I wont need is to bring them into Isadora (did you mean back?) All the rest, yes
@ril I may be misunderstanding your use case. What do you need to do to mix the stages from the 4 remote Isadoras?
@liminal_andy Im not sure what I have to do either jaja
The first situation would be: How to transmit 4 different remote isadora´s stages
@ril May I ask where they need to be transmitted? To an audience? As separate videos in Zoom? to a website? projector? etc.
@ril ok so in order to do that, the 4 video feeds need to be composited into one for encoding into RTMP to send to YouTube. So you need to do a transmission to a central location that then combines the videos for streaming to YouTube, unless you want to do 4 YouTube live streams?
@liminal_andy I see...Maybe not composite the videos but sequenced one after the other...its more like a "show off" from each students to the audience.
@liminal_andy looking more closely at the WebRTC website I see that this implies a certain level of knowledge that exceeds my students and me too. Maybe we should simplify processes and redesign virtuality issues.
Thank you very much Andy !!
@ril Read up on OBS Ninja, it's fairly straightforward.
@liminal_andy so the "path" should be:
Performer1-4: Isadora´s stage to OBS Ninja (vía syphon or NDI ?). Then colect that into OBS ?
@ril Yes, this is a possible path, using WebRTC (which is what OBS Ninja is under the hood). If the quality / reliability is not what you want, there are more robust solutions that may involve SRT, just mind the latency. And there may be even more elegant options in the future