[ANSWERED] Multiple remote Users+Broadcasting
@liminal_andy Im not sure what I have to do either jaja
The first situation would be: How to transmit 4 different remote isadora´s stages
@ril May I ask where they need to be transmitted? To an audience? As separate videos in Zoom? to a website? projector? etc.
@ril ok so in order to do that, the 4 video feeds need to be composited into one for encoding into RTMP to send to YouTube. So you need to do a transmission to a central location that then combines the videos for streaming to YouTube, unless you want to do 4 YouTube live streams?
@liminal_andy I see...Maybe not composite the videos but sequenced one after the other...its more like a "show off" from each students to the audience.
@liminal_andy looking more closely at the WebRTC website I see that this implies a certain level of knowledge that exceeds my students and me too. Maybe we should simplify processes and redesign virtuality issues.
Thank you very much Andy !!
@ril Read up on OBS Ninja, it's fairly straightforward.
@liminal_andy so the "path" should be:
Performer1-4: Isadora´s stage to OBS Ninja (vía syphon or NDI ?). Then colect that into OBS ?
@ril Yes, this is a possible path, using WebRTC (which is what OBS Ninja is under the hood). If the quality / reliability is not what you want, there are more robust solutions that may involve SRT, just mind the latency. And there may be even more elegant options in the future