Hi there Gaba!
As you can also read on our plugin page for the NDI watcher
"Isadora 3.1 and later will use NDI v5, while Isadora 3.0.7 uses NDI v4 and Isadora 3.0.6 and before use NDI v3. Because of this, multiple versions of the plugin are given in this distribution.
Take care to install the correct version of the plugin for your version of Isadora, otherwise the plugin will not function or may not appear in Isadora at all.
The name of the plugin shown in Isadora makes it clear which version of the plugin you are using. It will be called NDI 5 Watcher for NDI 5 version, and NDI 4 Watcher for the NDI 4 version.
You cannot have multiple versions of the NDI Watcher plugin installed at the same time!"
The latest version of Isadora needs the NDI 5 Watcher. Other versions of the NDI Watcher will not work since we include the latest and greatest version of NDI in our releases 🙂 You can also not have multiple versions installed.
Let us know or your issue was resolved and or you have any follow up questions.