Dear All,
I wanted to alert the community that my friend and colleague, Andreas Breitscheid, has organized an Isadora workshop in Munich, Germany from April 15th - April 21st. There is no fee for this workshop, and it is open to any interested party.
The workshop will be held in two parts. First, the marvelous Jamie Griffith will give a four-day course for beginners. This will be followed up by an advanced course taught by yours truly, Mark Coniglio. The course will be taught in English.
In any case, the details follow. If you wish to register, please contact Andreas Breitscheid him directly at sonicscene [atta] me [dotta] com
The only "red flag" is that there is a big trade show in Munich during the same week. Hotels have raised their prices to horrifying levels because of this. So finding inexpensive accommodation might be difficult. Neither the academy hosting the workshop, nor Andreas, Jamie or I, can give you any help with this. I suppose AirBnB is worth a try.
Finally, **DO NOT** contact the Bayerischen Theaterakademie directly about this workhsop!!!! Please only make contact via Andreas Breitsched as instructed above.
German and English versions of the invitation follow.
I hope to see some of you there.
Best Wishes,
Live-Video Woche „Isadora“
Mo. 15\. - So. 21\. April 2013
(Dieser Kurs wird in Englisch gehalten)
Mo. 15. - Do . 18. April ( 4 Tage)
Referentin: Jamie Griffith
Fr. 19. - So. 21. April (3 Tage)
Referent: Mark Coniglio
Mit „Isadora“ wird eine Live-Video-Software vorgestellt . Es handelt sich um eine Software mit welcher die klassische Szenen- (Que-) basierte Wiedergabe von Bildmedien ( Video/Fotos/3D-Modelle/Grafiken etc.) im Theater auf einfache und intuitive Weise möglich ist.
( So wird diese Software mittlerweile z.B. beim Sundance-Film-Festival und am Broadway eingesetzt. In Deutschland findet man sie z.B. an der Schaubühne Berlin, an den Münchner Kammerspielen etc.).
Die grösste Qualität dieser Software eröffnet sich allerdings bei ihrer Nutzung zur Echtzeitverarbeitung von live-aufgenommenem Video, und deren interaktiver Steuerung während der Aufführung ( so arbeiten z.B. die berühmte WoosterGroup, die ForsytheCompanie und der in deutschen Theatern präsente Bühnen-Video-Künstler Chris Kondek mit dieser Software...).
An den angegebenen Tage finden die Kurse jeweils von 10-13 Uhr und 14:30-17:30 Uhr statt.
Veranstaltungsort ist Raum Raum 0.55 ( Akademietheater ) in der
Bayerischen Theaterakademie August Everding
im Prinzregentheater
Prinzregentenplatz 12
81675 München
Live Video Week "Isadora"
Mon 15th - Sun 21st April 2013
(This course is held in English)
Mon 15th - Thurs 18th April (4 days)
Beginnger Level
Teacher: Jamie Griffith
Fri 19th - Sun 21st April (3 days)
Advanced Level
Teacher: Mark Coniglio
With "Isadora" a live video software is presented. It is a software with which based the classic scene (cue), playback of image media (video, photos,3D models, graphics, etc.) in the theater in a simple and intuitive way possible. So, this software is now used as the Sundance Film Festival and on Broadway. In Germany they are found e.g. at the Schaubühne Berlin, at the Munich games.
The greatest quality of this software opens, however when they are used for real time processing of live-recorded video, and their interactive control during the performance (with such work as the famous WoosterGroup that ForsytheCompanie and his strong presence in German theaters stage video artist Chris Kondek this software ...).
At the indicated days the courses take place each of 10-13 and 14:30-17:30 clock clock.
Venue space is room 0.55 (Academy Theater) in the
Bavarian Theater Academy August Everding
Prince Theatre in rain
Prinzregentenplatz 12
81675 Munich