Oh I never thought about exploring this ! Definitely going to look into it for specific situations ! Merci beaucoup !
Oh my god that is so extremely clever ! I would have never thought about this. This is a very creative stable and safe solution to my problem. Going to give it a go this afternoon on two separate computers to see if I can get a good grip on your excellent concept.
I'm deeply sad I missed the opportunity to join the Zoom as I look at your post a day too late. Still I registered on the website and will join on the next one
Thank you for your brilliant insights.
if you can control your show from an osc program like Touch OSC this could be a solution:
I haven't try it but it seems to be interssant
Best regards,
Also, there's a professional AV community I'm part of called Office Hours Global, and I teach a free Isadora Lab (with no set curriculum) on Office Hours' 24/7 Zoom call every Thursday from 7pm to 8pm CET (so there will be one tonight). If you want to get your questions answered in person by me and play around with this concept in Isadora together you can register for the Zoom call here: https://zoom.us/w/96553474365?_x_zm_rtaid=BmS82XntQmSDwc5VH1xmhg.1707495640829.aa165f03228cff2c6df68f7116adcc28&_x_zm_rhtaid=189#success
I'll probably be working on this file in my lab tonight.
Best wishes,
@bonami said:
we switch to Computer "B" from the Video Matrix (this would be a manual operation from the operator.)
Doesn't have to be manual if you can control the Video Matrix through OSC, MIDI, TCP/IP, Serial, using the GET/POST URL Text actor, or with the device's own API via Python code using the beta Pythoner plugin (just send in a ticket using the link in my signature if you'd like access).
@bonami said:
I'm thinking OSC commands that send triggers from Computer A and receive the triggers on Computer B but that obviously means two different show files. I'm wondering if someone might have a better idea
I'm already working on an example file for you, but here's a basic explanation of what's coming:
Yes, OSC can be a way to go. You can also use Net Broadcaster actors and give each computer a separate Computer ID in Isadora > Preferences.../Settings... > Midi/Net > Net Setup > Computer ID.
If you want an automatic switch, you setup a "heartbeat", which is just:
- On the "Leader" computer: A background Scene you keep active Wave Generator into an OSC Transmit or Net Broadcaster actor
- On the "Follower" computer: An OSC Listener or Listener actor into a Trigger Delay actor into whatever it is that you want to trigger.
While the Wave Generator continues to function, it'll keep triggering the Trigger Delay actor and resetting its timer.
If the Wave Generator stops working (e.g. if Isadora crashes) then the timer on the Trigger Delay is allowed to run out and it triggers whatever is necessary to make the "Follower" become the new "Leader".
Now, you can make this as one file with a Selector that lets you tell the patch whether it's supposed to act as a leader or follower: Example: A Selector into the IP input of the OSC Transmit actor that lets you pick between the leader's IP or the Follower's IP and a Selector that closes a Gate to listen for communication from the "Leader" for the Leader computer and opens the Gate to listen for communication from the "Leader" on the Follower computer.
@bonami said:
Wow that is such a detailed a very complete answer / explanation !
There are almost always multiple ways to accomplish the same task in Isadora, so I like to give examples of different methods because some may be more or less well-suited for a particular use case.
@armando said:
I'd like to ask all of you about the math that is under the logo's movement in the 3d space.
I'm the one who made that video and I have no idea how the math works. It's Scene 22 in the Rokoko Studio Live Watcher tutorial on the TroikaTronix Add-Ons Page if you want to take a look at it though.
It took me some time to learn how to work with the mobile app but once i got to know it i works great, especially the AI funcitons. I used it in a danse show to track a dancer. The app was the easiest to activate and deactivate the tracking.
@woland Wow that is such a detailed a very complete answer / explanation ! Thank you for all of this if helps me immensely as well