Responses to Isadora v2.1
Dear @Nick,
Sorry, that one shouldn't be in the build. That one was for a for a personal project. (Guess that's the advantage I have over others; if I need a plugin, I just build one.)Â I'll remove it and re-upload later this evening. Hopefully there aren't any more of those!Thanks for letting me know.Best Wishes,Mark -
Thank you Mark,
As always it's a great work and thank for all at the team. I have just a problem, I just prepared a workshop i will give in 2 weeks, now I have to redo it with the new versionVery excited by the global variable, adios data array? Also the video routing, good for soft edge.Bravo!Jacques -
I have a question concerning Global variable, I can enter a string in "Set Global Values", but "Get Global Values" give me a 0 for the string (for numbers it works well).On the release note I see a string in in and out.Thank you -
I found solution, it's necessary to have a text receiver linked to the get Global Variables actor to have the text.One problem less… -
Yes, that confused me once as well. Its a matter of the mutable outputs. They mutate on connection, rather than data input. A short tutorial on this is in the works... and this was going to be one of the main issues to outline. -
I hope to improve this for v2.2. I want to have a little "editor" that allows you to force a particular series of inputs or outputs. More to come. But for now, you can do it the way you just described.
Best,Mark -
Global values!!!! thanks mark
Annnnnnnd breathe! Great to get this out to the public. Well done Mark!
3154000 Changed how the Javascript actor runs “main()” in order to improve the efficiency when processing multiple simultaneous inputs.
Could I get a bit of an expansion on the above please? Does this mean a loop of main is no longer triggered for every update to any input...? (Sorry - at work - won't be able to test for myself till this evening)
Thanks Mark, great work!
Great to have Motion Blur FFGL, Aplha Channel FFGLWhile trying the new 3D particles actor, I couldnt find the 3D renderer. Am I missing something? -
3D render is a 'classic' actor so it needs to be turned on in preferences.Â
Thanks Graham!
So the 3D renderer is cpu only? -
Yeah - but check out "virtual stage". It may help.
Yes, Virtual Stage does the trick! Thanx!
There are a few actors that you may find hidden. They are not gone but we are strongly suggesting that people try to avoid using them in new projects because of the CPU limitations. -
Concerned about subtitle work, I make a try with global values.I have one suggestion, it would be good to have the possibility one actor where you can choose which value you enter and with value you input, instead of list who can be very long (I use sometime subtitle text with 120 entries).I try to do it increasing the name, but is difficult to manage the entries.I send my first try.jacques -
Yes, use the Virtual Stage. It will run about a  thousand times faster than the 3D Renderer because everything stays on the graphics card.Best Wishes,Mark -
Congratulations Mark. It looks like a stunning update and the roadmap looks very intriguing with the significant hush hush new capabilities on the horizon!
Many thanks. -
@jhopffner I suggest you break the list up into sub section with logical naming. One great thing about these globals is the way you can group them by name. It allows totally name spaced use in user actors, and let's you break up large lists. Another useful thing is you can use them to pass large sets of data between javascript actors via JSON.
@Marci I had found a bug were a single main() was called dozens of times per frame because I had 20+ inputs. Each time an input was change the main () was called and processed for this single updated value. The method worked well enough for simple scripts, bit would slow down isadora with complex scripts with many inputs. It now runs in a Controlled manner, allowing the inputs to be updated as expected by the patch before executing. My tests all show this to be running much faster and more reliably. If you had not noticed the problem I mention, you should not notice any difference. How ever moving forward this change will alow you to push harder.