@juriaan I'll have to gather some more specific info/instances from my students about what is happening but freezing/lagging is happening with both Isadora and other programs (Final Cut Pro X). I was thinking it was the graphics card that was the issue but perhaps I'm on the wrong track. They have no outputs and for my class specifically it doesn't matter too much if the resolution is 4k or much less, still having slowness issues on FCPX and Isadora (the two programs we use the most).
I had our tech person take one of the computers to do some diagnostics see if got a couple bad apples. We are in between tech help right now so also might be potentially some of the software on it? We are a university student focused lab so lots of constraints. Have you seen performance issues on the M1? Are the M2 minis more reliable? They are mostly learning to program on these computers and then take the work into our multi-media, multi-disciplinary space or theatre later.