i know this is basic, but can anyone point me to a simple stepbystep guide to share syphon output from Izzy on Zoom for quick client demo?
I'm OS Ventura. Syphon, OBS etc all installed and functioning. Zoom can see OBS, but OBS can't see Izzy/Syphon output.
This is the introduction to a light control software called ClubDMX. It is designed to meet the needs of light operation in performances, rehearsals and installations. ClubDMX is a complete lighting console that runs as a standalone devic, for example on a Raspberry PI. When you use it in a performance, you will communicate with other control software (Isadora, Resolume, ...) over the inbuilt OSC interface.
I work on this project since a couple of years, and ClubDMX runs live in a Jazz Club and in an exhibition for over two years. Perhaps ClubDMX can be useful in one of your projects too.
Key features of ClubDMX:
- Web Interface: ClubDMX is installed on a computer on the local network and delivers a website. You can work with ClubDMX on your laptop, smartphone or tablet.
- Open Lighting Architecture (see: https://www.openlighting.org/
OLA is the connection between software and hardware. There is a lot of hardware options available, for example Enttec DMX USB Pro and DMX King. OLA establishes various ethernet protocols like ArtNet, sACN and others.
- Cues: A Cue stores arrangements of light intensities, colors and values of other attributes. This is the base for programming shows. Cues can be used with buttons, faders or in a cuelist.
- User Login: There are different user roles with different operating rights.
- Interfaces: MIDI and OSC are the interfaces in ClubDMX that are designed to interact with Isadora. You can connect a Korg NanoKontrol in order to use “real” faders and buttons. For interaction with Isadora via OSC I have a couple of User actors.
ClubDMX is a free software and can be downloaded from Github (https://github.com/GuntherSe/clubdmx_code) . The software is written in Python, Javascript and HTML.
If you want to have a look at it:
There is a demo running on Pythonanywhere (https://guntherseiser.pythonanywhere.com). I have prepared different user logins, details can be found on the Github page.
hello all,
I am giving 2 izzy workshops but being a mac person (since 1984) I don't know the equivalent of the syphon virtual webcam on PC. What is the procedure to push images from Izzy to zoom on a PC ?
As for OBS I think Spout does the job directly from Izzy isn't it ?
Hello, I'm designing a control panel for a client who doesn't have time to delve into patch design, and the option of being able to control everything through the control panel has really excited him. However, I've been thinking about it for a while. Both the ndi source menu-of the ndi5 watcher- and the windows list-of the screen capture, are "popup menu" and when clicking on them, Isadora opens all the NDI/App/Screens connections that are open at the time of working. I would like to associate that same list, with that same drop-down menu, to some control panel actor, so as not to have to force the client to enter the work area and avoid getting lost. I cannot force numbers or exits, since I do not know how many Ndi, nor the name of the app´s that will be opened in each session, in which I will not be in person. Do you have any ideas? thank you.
Writing to inquire about an ongoing challenge I've had in Isadora - how to create a stream of numbers that smoothly, randomly increases and/or decreases over time, over a steady Hz rate.
Max/msp has the "drunk" object that appears to do this automatically, but I don't see the equivalent in Isadora, nor how to make such a thing by linking together the Random actor with other calculations.
Perhaps it's a simple thing that I'm just not getting, but I just can't figure it out using the existing actors in Isadora.
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated!
I have come across an interesting situation (and a sort of workaround, at the end) that seems important to post -
Isadora 3.2.6 on Mac Pro 2013 ("trashcan") running latest Big Sur 11.7.2 or 11.7.1
Theater production where isadora cues are driven by MSC from lighting via the JumpToCue actor, so in the course of a normal performance, no user input occurs on the isadora computer during the duration of the 90 minute show. 30 fps target frame rate, content is images and 30fps videos. Probably about 75 scenes / cues in the show. Some scenes just play the content, some pass the content through few actors for color adjustment, and some scenes are empty with nothing in them.
We observed that after starting up isadora, things worked well, but after a while we would start to see increased stuttering in video playback throughout the show, including very simple scenes with simple video playback. This would occur if we sat in one scene with looping video, or progressed through the scenes of the show.
Looking at the FPS indicator, the FPS was dropping as well. Even in empty scenes with nothing at all in them, the fps was dropping to 28, 27, or 26 fps. If I moved the mouse or click on the screen, either inside of our outside of the isadora window, the fps suddenly would go back up to between 29.9 and 30
I started taking careful notes on this, and determined that after about 6 minutes without any user input, the performance and frame rate would drop. Wiggling the mouse would fix it, and then after approx 6 minutes the fps would drop again. This happened in all parts of the show, regardless of what kind of content was playing. Once the frame rate dropped, it would not recover on its own until i moved the mouse again, suggesting that the issue was not an intermittent background process that was starting up on system idle, as one would expect any process like that to eventually complete.
I verified that there were no user-accessible settings in power management that could be affecting performance. No settings to put disks to sleep, or save power. Spotlight indexing disabled. No adobe software on the computers. Same behavior observed on two separate computers (our main and backup) under the same show conditions.
The solution ended up to be installing a free tool called Jiggler This would wiggle the mouse and reset the system idle timer at a regular interval. With this tool running with an interval of 5 min, we now have clean shows without any FPS drop.
Maybe there is some other solution that someone knows. For us, this was the only method we found, and it hopefully may be helpful to others.
Hi, yesterday everything worked fine... today I get this live capture erroe 535.
It does recognize my CAM link but doesn't show an image just gray.
Thank you for you Help
Some time ago, while I was checking another videosoftware, I could observe that the video output from Isadora was less bright compared to the other software; running it on the same machine with the same material with the exact same projector setup.
At the time I couldn't take the time to further investigate the issue; but recently I've been working with a videoartist and he used his laptop with his software to select and prepare the files and we build the final show in Isadora; and again the pictures sent from Isadora were less bright and vibrant.
Has someone made the same observation?
This community is made up of trusted and talented folks of all sorts, so it only seem suiting to roll this out for your eye first.
We at TroikaTronix are looking to hire a Web Application Developer with Go and AWS experience.
If you or someone you know are interested, please get back to us regarding this position by emailing your CV to jobs@troikatronix with the subject ‘Web application developer’.
Job Description
TroikaTronix is looking for a back-end developer interested in maintaining and extending our new cloud-based application which interfaces with Isadora, our desktop media control software, to provide on-demand point to point video and data streaming. This is a part-time, remote position, requiring occasional scheduled team Zoom meetings.
Your role as a back-end developer is to take requirements forward through deployment. You can expect to receive both feature requests and bug reports as the product is adopted by our user base. You will need to organize and develop these tasks while also communicating with the rest of our tech team regularly.
• Work with our tech team to develop new features considering all aspects of the design
• Prioritize bug fixes and schedule releases
• Build reusable code and libraries for future use
• Develop and explore new ideas quickly
• Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders
• Maintaining documentation on implementation and process
Skills And Qualifications
• Strong Golang development experience
• Experience with Cloud providers like AWS (AWS certification preferred)
• Knowledge of front-end technologies including CSS3, JavaScript, HTML5, and ReactJS.
• Working understanding of Docker
• Experience with NoSQL (Dynamo) or other cloud-based databases
• Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, such as Git
• Understanding of software development workflows and Agile concepts
• The desire to want to work with team members and learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses
• Experience before education. A related degree, diploma or certificate is recommended but not required
Please get back to us regarding this position by emailing your CV to jobs@troikatronix with the subject ‘Web application developer’.
I'm trying to build a surtitle/teleprompter system for a show atm and want to use a data array actor reading an excel spreadsheet with the script in it. The two systems should be linked so that the surtitle system breaks down a paragraph into X lines (depending on length), that are individually cued, while the teleprompter system only updates when the surtitles system finished the whole paragraph.
I was gonna use a text chopper actor to split up the lines from the paragraph but I just ran into the issue that the tab separated values sheet converts line breaks into double spaces or something that the text chopper actor doesn't recognize.
Is there a way for an actor to receive a paragraph of several sentences, recognize a character (say a dot "."), and split up the paragraph into the individual sentences?
Thanks for your help in advance.