Well, we moved from Lexington, Mass to London, England in 1972 and I've not seen a proper snow storm since. Can't remember which winter it was - '69-70, or maybe 70-71 - it snowed so hard for so long that we were off school from Xmas until late February. Lexington had a complex code of municipal sirens which went off early every morning to broadcast information as to which schools were open and which were not. Day after day the relief of hearing that my school was closed, so another day playing in the snow, or knocking icicles off the guttering. You can imagine our dismay when the school board decided to curtail our summer holidays by the six weeks we'd lost to snow...
Enjoy your snow! Am almost jealous...
Mark in Sunny London Town where the thermometer reads 4C (That's 40 degrees Farenheit to you 🙂 )