@juriaan optical flow is a very old technique not owned by Nvidia at all. It is not a complex algorithm and can be found in many open source libraries and there is a great implementation in openCV.
The touch designer optical flow is not the result of a partnership, just that touch designer uses the Nvidia SDK (https://developer.nvidia.com/optical-flow-sdk) which any company can do, including Troika Ranch. As it is Nvidia only this would make it have a pretty limited audience considering the larger number of mac users here.
The Nvidia version does this efficiently on the GPU.
There are several Python implementations of optical flow algorithms that can be integrated into isadora using the Pythoner actor, including openCV (https://learnopencv.com/optical-flow-in-opencv/). This does not have the efficiency of GPU acceleration, but on a modern cpu will still work quite well.
@dbini oh what a great news you gave me !
So you say I must use the GPU to CPU converter at the shape's video output? Or I missunderstang?
Thanks a lot !
There is actually a way to generate particles across the whole x axis simultaneously by using the Video Gen input. if you use a Shapes actor to generate a line across the top of the screen and convert this to CPU, you can send this to Video Gen. Change the vertical resolution of the VG to something really low. Its a bit less predictable than generating particles by location, but should work. the video input needs to be something that is constantly moving, so i cheat this by vibrating the shape using a Wave Generator.
@juriaan Thanks for your answer !
I think the difficult thing is getting a good sensing device that works well and doesn't crash. Kinect would be our best option for now, right?
Not as efficiently as they are doing with TD. Since they have a partnership with Nvidia who makes the SDK "Optical Flow"
Please see Fred's answer for a more detailed answer about this; you can do this thru other means on the CPU with Isadora.
@armando said:
<p>@anajcperfeito GECO sends out midi or OSC. For the Midi, Geco sends Control change messages (CC) so in Isadora you choose Communication/midi setup and, in the midi input 1 you choose Isadora virtual in. Lauinch Geco software and set in the preferences of midi signals to Isadora virtual in. Then back in Osadora you go into the midi group and chose the control watcher. Interact with the leapmotion and you should see data moving in the control watcher.</p>
I just tried my Leap Motion 1. gen with the Geminidriver and GECO trough MIDI with Unify and it worked right away for me.
As Armando pointed out this should be a possible workaround... Just needs a nice user actor that syncs with a config file for GECO.
@ian thanks! Just uploaded to the add ons sections
@vidasonik no problem. my knowledge has tight limits, however..:-)
you should be able to use the Ableton Connection kit for OSC devices to talk to the onboard ones in Izzy.
But even better for what you are trying (if i understand it...) is the free 'LiveGrabber' OSC Ableton tools from Showsync. The 'Analysis Grabber' can 'grab' audio frequency data which you can send via OSC to Izzy.
I haven't tried it, but it should work. https://www.showsync.com/tools...
@woland Hello, thanks again Lucas. And thanks to everybody contributing to this interesting thread. As @ril says limitaition is wifi saturation. Do we wknow how much bandwidth NDI is using to have 3 1080p cameras on a dedicated wifi network ? As far as I know we can have at least 3 because, according to obsbot tail tech pages
Quoting :
Does NDI work over WiFi?
High Bandwidth NDI will work over a wireless network but at a reduced frame rate depending on the bandwidth available. As a general rule of thumb 100Mbit is recommended per 1080p video feed. The actual bandwidth used may be much less than 100Mbit (even below 20Mbit) depending on the complexity and size of the video being sent.
Otherwise if only a WiFi network is available, using NDI|HX sources is recommended. Such as most NDI Cameras and NDI|HX encoders/decoders.
@notdoc thanks for all this wonderful help and advice! I've not got into OSC yet what would be a simple way forward? Thanks, David