This is such a great resource!
Things like this unfortunately eventually get buried on the forum, so if you have the time it would be great if you could upload this to the Add-Ons page.
Best wishes,
I've used the software AirBeam Pro to get wireless video feeds from iPhones in the past. It creates Syphon feeds via the companion application that you run on your computer (and Syphon is a lot less demanding on your computer than NDI). You could probably duplicate the application and run multiple instances of it to get multiple live feeds.
I've been working with a musician recently, generating some visuals from him playing the kantele (a traditional Finnish zither/harp-type instrument)
Using frequency analysis in Isadora has been a bit rough and ready and hit and miss. @bonemap - I'm going to try your user actor - thanks for sharing, Russell. I will also check out the possibilities of analysis in Ableton and OSCing through to Izzy, and report back next week...
Thanks that’s all solid advice. The commitment propositions of the various software- Ableton Live, Max for Live etc. mean I am not in a position to invest in these options at this point. My work around has been to use sound levels with multichannel audio rather than frequency analysis. At any rate the frequency analysis in Isadora appears to be partly driven by audio level.
Best wishes
@bonemap Ableton and max should add negligible latency, especially if you set the sound card buffer low. Most modern sound cards can work at 64 sample latency or lower. At 44.1khz this is pretty negligible (1.4 milliseconds). FFT, no matter how you slice it, on Isadora, Ableton or any platform, will incur a delay as it has to average frequency over time. Isadoras implementation in the sound frequency watcher has no control over the window length, whereas you can control this in Ableton, meaning you could reduce delay further than in isadora.
Signal transmission with OSC, especially on the same machine will have negligible or zero latency.
Your biggest delay is likely to be video output, projectors and screens can add whole frames of delay, DMX signals will not have this delay. If you want really tight sync Ableton may help you out in other ways. If you want super tight light and video sync, running audio through Ableton and using 2 sets of analysis (same settings) for the same signal and adding a delay to one, will let you delay (using an audio delay in Ableton) the OSC that gets sent to the lights so they match up perfectly with the video with very fine control.
If you don't want to use Ableton you can also do this in Chataigne, which is free and has quite a lot more control than Isadora.
Hey! Thanks for that. Yes, I see that OSC frequency analysis out of Ableton requires a Max patch. For my purposes, the added latency would be an issue even using the AUSampleDelay module, and it would likely be unusable with live ambient sound input.
Best Wishes,
@ril Echoing Paz - I've used NDI HX cam many times for live performance with multiple phones and had no issues selecting individual phones. The main limitation in my experience is the bandwith constraints of your wireless network setup. It does require having multiple licenses though.
Ideally an institutional grade wired hotspot (like the Cisco or Unifi systems) or a gaming router optimised for multiple players will help ease the traffic congestion caused by multiple NDI streams, especially if you have the ability to eliminate all other traffic on that network.
One dedicated camera suggestion to share: I've found that the Logitech MEVO series is one of the most affordable dedicated NDI cameras, and has acceptable quality for moderate to well lit situations. It's essentially a higher end Logitech webcam wrapped in an NDI transciever and battery. In North America they sometimes have institutional and non-profit discounts available.
Best wishes,
@bonemap Eventually analysis can be done in max (even better than in Live, although Cycling 74 belongs to Ableton) and be sent from Max to Isatura via OSC....
Hi @mark, any updates on this issue? We at the Polytechnic are also encountering the same problem. It would be helpful to solve it because in previous years we purchased about 10 Leap Motion 1 devices for educational purposes and to use with Isadora. Please let me know. Personally, I can use it on my Mac with the old Leap Motion SDK, but with students, having very different computers, it becomes difficult. Before your plugin/actor Leap Motion I used OSC applications directly, like OSC Motion, but I can't find the application anymore and I don't know if there are others. If anyone of you have any suggestions, they are very welcome given the situation. Thank you very much.
“do the analysis in Ableton and use OSC to bring the data into Izzy“
That sounds great! Would love to learn more about that method.
Best wishes