Hello everyone ! This query is for Windows users. The photos of the error messages are in this case from a machine with windows 11 home 64.
Also comment that I have had similar errors (but with a variety of dll error with actors or plugin names)on about 15 computers but the most strange thing is that until December Isadora worked perfectly on those computers... (They are computers from a school)
Can you think of what could be happening?
Thank you so much !

Hi all,
we are doing a multichannel (4) video installation and we are using Isadora to output the video.
we are using 4 ViewSonic projectors to prepare the piece.
everything runs as it should but however, every time I restart the computer the images come back to different projectors.
maybe because they all share de same name?
we need this installation to be as autonomous as possible and to have the images to be placed on their corresponding screens on startup.
does anyone have experience with this type of issue that could share?
hello we search for a fast solution for following problem.
we need a actor which is able to generate a text output out of two text inputs, most of the time one input is fix e.g. "1-" and the second is variable e.g. "4" or "55" or"96".
an additional problem is that we need the second text input to be generated out of a number.
so we had a number from 0 to 96, we can add to a text like"1-" so that the end text out is for example "1-67" or "1-23" and so on.
the goal is to feed some sound level to a maximum hold, into some scalling, into the text actor we search, and then to a matrix value send, for atnet control some pixeltubes with a fixed dmx value, but different amount of active pixels.
I recorded videos in 100 fps and slowed them down in FCP to 25 fps, in QuickTime the video runs smoothly in Isadora it stutters very little but visible. Is there any preference or the like that might do that? Thanks for help
I'm running Isadora 3 on a Macbook Pro running Catalina.
I'm having problems with the disk space on my internal disk. There should be like 380 GB additional disk space, in addition to the 50 that the system says is there. The 380 GB is showing up in Mac storage in a category "Other," which isn't not selectable. I'm working with Apple Support to help me figure out what is happening, and they aren't finding anything.
By any chance is there anything that Isadora does with temporary files or anything else that could perhaps leave anything on the disk that wouldn't necessarily show up in the normal way? Maybe if the system crashes or something that might leave something out there?
I'm not saying that Isadora is the cause. I just thought I would check to see if anything like this has come up for anybody, and if so, how you dealt with it. I'm nearing a place of having to reinstall the OS, but I thought I would check just in case. Apple folks have never seen anything like this, and I actually have the same problem on another Mac running Big Sur and Isadora. Just wondering if anything like this sounds familiar to anyone.
Thanks for any insights.
Thanks much to you all.
hi all, to help me with fine-tuning the triggering of my visuals using frequency analysis i've created a number of different waveform graphs generated from various sound input frequencies, such as this
This example has 50 lines across (using 50 interconnected 3D line actors), each with their height set in realtime by the the sound input frequency level
For a slightly different purpose, i'd now like to use this idea to create a video mask, with one video appearing below the wavy line and another above it... and with a higher resolution than 50 across, ideally up to 1920 points across
The only way i can figure to do this is to create a series of vertical white lines all next to each other with no gaps, each changing their height to the frequency. But creating a user actor with 1920 vertical white lines seems quite daunting, as does 480 vertical white lines (quarter of the 1920 resolution across)
Was wondering if anyone has a better idea?
Cheers, Mr J
Hi everyone,
Has anyone recommendations for an AI program to upscale video resolution?
i'm very happy with the spacebar as a quick scene change keystroke, but I want to use it while controlling a different software. Is there a simple way to achieve this?
(sorry, its not Izzy-related, but I know some of you out there have experience of setting up kiosk tech in museums and galleries)
I have an iPad pro built into a box and I want it to display a series of 7 photos as a slideshow, but i also want visitors to be able to swipe between these photos.
what i don't want is for visitors to be able to access anything else, or to pause or edit the slideshow.
I'm aware of Guided Access - which locks the iPad to one app. this is great, but doesn't stop people from getting into the backend of the app that is running the slides. Keynote just needs a pinch and you're in the slide editor. Photos app just needs a tap and you have access to all photos on the device.
Does anyone know of an app, or a simple hack that can do what I need? maybe a way to disable tapping or pinching, but leave the swipe gesture working?
Hi folks,
whenever I comment my patches or whatever I do with text, I can't use accents like "á, é ,í, ó, ú" or some other charachters. I guess this has to do with FONTS. I remember once seeing Mark that was solved in v2.5 or so and it possibly slipped again in v3.
May be I just have to change the font used by ISADORA, but I can't find where to do it.