As mentioned in the other thread, we do not support the Azure at this time and it's also not on the list of things we're trying to put in place in the near future. It would be nice to have everything, but unfortunately we don't have the resources to do that, so we have to prioritize other features right now.
Best wishes,
@woland said:
I also started working on a JavaScript User Actor out of curiosity, but it's not quite done. (The clipIndex output seems to be broken by my check for illegal values.)
Fixed it
@jjhp3 said:
Is it my logic or perhaps the auto-fade actor?
Do you see this behaviour with the Auto-fade actor if you are just streaming in video at anytime?
The actor is only processing incoming video, so it is much more likely that the video stream is receiving black frames as some point. Likely due to some bin change that causes a brief NON selection. You may need to ensure that you have a solid stream in place while you switch a non selected bin.. and provide a slight delay before switching your feed to use the new bin source.
Oh cool, @woland. I can't wait to take a look at this. I've been using a combination of calculators and javascript to do all of these calculations. It's nice to see it all in one spot.
I spent the day doing batch scripts with the help of Chat GPT and Superuser to:
1) Create my folder structure (T#_P#_B# for Track, page, bank) - 72 folders (4 tracks, 9 pages, 2 banks)
2) Rename each of the clips (maximum 8 per bank) in a folder based on the folder name and an index (T#_P#_B#_C# for Track, Page, Bank, Clip),
3) extract thumbnails from the middle point of the clip with FFmpeg and put them all into one folder.
I have assigned windows environmental variables to the video folder and the thumbnails folder which i can easily replicate on another machine with a new path. This way I can program the Streamdeck thumbnail file calls once using the environmental variables, and then always refer back to these folders and the filenames. If I update the files in the folders, I just run the "renamer" and "thumbnailer" batch scripts, rebuild the media from the folder in Isadora, restart the Streamdecks and everything updates! It's a thing of beauty and VERY flexible, which is really my goal in all of this. With the "folder builder" batch script, I could start the media structure for a new project in a matter of seconds.
I think that using thumbs on the streamdeck buttons is a good way of working as I will be able to have the clips displayed right on the Streamdeck, which in the heat of a show, will be helpful.
Not the kludge I thought it would be.
I really appreciate you taking a run at the media/bin calculator Javacript. I'll dig into this tomorrow.
@jtsteph said:
Is there a way I can do this?
As far as I know it is not possible to:
- Programmatically change what bin is selected in a Bin Picker Control in Isadora
- Push a thumbnail of the video to the Streamdeck from Isadora
Though you could push file names to the Streamdeck using Get Media File Name (accepts index and outputs file name) Inside Range actors (you could use these to build yourself a way to automatically translate the media index coming from the Bin Picker into the Page and Clip(?) values required by the Streamdeck). Maybe this is helpful, maybe not.
I also started working on a JavaScript User Actor out of curiosity, but it's not quite done. (The clipIndex output seems to be broken by my check for illegal values.)
P.S. In the current beta you can show and hide Controls programmatically, so you could have a Bin Picker Control per bin with "Show Values of Linked Properties" checked for each bin and then show/hide the right ones based on media index logic.
@woland Hi - Yes, it's part of the visual aesthetics.
Streamdeck Midi plugin for the win. I can load thumbs onto the buttons and call them using a script in the excellent midi plugin ( I'll figure out a way of automating thumbnails from the media folders. It's a bit of a kludge, but I think I can get it working.
Why are you using the Auto-Fade actor? Is it part of your visual aesthetic or is it there to try to help with the mechanics of cross-fading?
But i've found it!
In this isadora setup i can control tow leds on the arduino.
The code is in the next picture. Now to the next step, but the communication is there!